One of my new favorite cupcake blogs
iheartcuppycakes is going to start a contest called Cupcake Hero! Now I am new at this whole blogging cupcake thing... but I have been doing my research! Looks to me like once a month we get a special ingredient and we have to make a batch a fabulously delicious cupcakes using that ingredient. Sounds like something right up my alley! I can't wait to start participating!
In other news I am excited to say after weeks of badgering my husband he finally drove me out to the middle of nowhere to get my very cool souffle cups. Now I drive... but I have absolutely positively no sense of direction. I get lost. A lot. There was no way I would have ever found this place by myself. So the hubby drove me even tho he really didn't feel like it (but hey, he owed me one!) So now I am the proud owner of 500 souffle cups. Yippeeee! I was a little embarrassed when the woman behind the counter asked what they were for. I don't have a business and I don't have 500 people to make cupcakes for!
Lastly my 9 month old is the proud owner of this very first tooth! Perhaps he will get to enjoy his very own cupcake for his 1st birthday ;o)